Sunday, September 26, 2010

Huffy Whizzer Muscle Bike I am buying

I am buying this from a Muscle Bikes Forum member who lives in Michigan. So once I get it paid for it will be shipped to me.


  1. Hello, what year were these made and what do they sell for.

  2. I am a member of The Muscle Bike Forums, and I bought this from another member. When he posted it on the forums there was a lot of discussions about the year of this bike. The guys there know just about everything there is to know about Muscle Bikes. This one from what I could gather from them going back and forth appears to be a late 70's. I don't believe they have a lot of value compared to the Stingrays and Murray Eliminators, but still a nice addition to a vintage bike collection. I loved the colors and the seat as soon as I saw it and jumped at the chance to buy when it came up for sale!

    check out this forum tell them Jason77 sent you.

  4. Hi ,im looking for a huufy purple ribbed bannana seat for my purple metalic 1970 Huffy rail 5 speed. Are you guys going to be at the Saline Michigan bike show may 1st 2011,and wouled you have the seat I need.My e-mail is thank you.
